Category Archives: Content Writing Strategy

Keyword Optimization, Popularity and Profitability

Keyword search optimization may well be one of the hardest tasks in search engine marketing. Because it is challenging, most site owners simply don’t spend the necessary amount of time optimizing their keywords. If your keyword selections are not properly targeted, all efforts following could well be in vain. Keyword optimization must be done at Read More

How Keyword, Frequency, Proximity and Prominence Affect Your SEO

Keyword density is likely what you generally think about when you consider your keywords however there are other keyword factors relating to on-site optimization. Keyword prominence, frequency and proximity can all affect your overall keyword strategy. While keywords are what make your website tick, knowing where and how to use them and how often to Read More

The Newest Content Marketing Strategies

Many website owners are confused regarding the differences between content marketing strategy and content marketing tactics. Content marketing tactics relate more to the blatant algorithm chasing done in the past however today’s online marketers have learned that to survive and grow SEO a more balanced, strategic, integrated approach will be necessary. Content marketing is basically Read More