Google has just rolled out its latest search engine algorithm named Panda 4.0.
Is your law firm ready?
Panda 4.0 basically means that a website is now judged by the quality of its web content. Web site owners can no longer get away with cheap web copy says Google. The days of writing content for content’s sake are over.
Panda 4.0 is Google’s latest search algorithm and its release does not come as much of a surprise to our legal content writers and SEO experts. Quality content has always and remains an important factor in generating rankings as well as improving website conversion rates. Panda 4.0 was created to clean up Google’s search results by removing or pushing down websites that offer low quality content.
A lot of search experts believe this update lays the foundation for future algorithm updates to target low quality content. Panda 4.0 is a major update and not just a tweak to the current search engine algorithm. This update actually changes how Google’s discovers and rewards quality content with top rankings. In other words, welcome to the publishing business.
What is quality content?
Superior grammar and authoritative content has pushed our the mindset of creating “content for content’s sake.” To be the top billed website on the most popular search engine on the planet, you must become the real thought leader in your geographical and practice area(s).
Think CNN or FOX NEWS. You are now in the publishing business. In order to compete online and generate quality new clientele via the Internet, you have to become a content generator. New, Relevant, and Authoritative content is the key to your success today and in the future to come. Focus on providing resourceful and valuable content and you will survive online.
What is the “going rate” of quality legal content?
The cost of quality content is affordable. One article can generate 5-10 unique visits per month for the lifetime of the website. Pay Per Click advertising can run you $10-$150 for 1 single unique visitor. So adding regular content also increases your monthly traffic month after month. The cost for a quality piece of content will run you about $60-80 per 600 word article. At this moment, we are recommending that you publish a minimum of 600 words per page or per article.
What has been the impact of Panda 4.0 thus far?
It is easy to predict where Google is heading in terms of content quality. Google will eventually weed out articles offering fewer than 500 words per page. This change has actually already begin with the Panda 4.0 Update. Websites that offer light content such as, Ebay, and related websites/directories have lost as much as 50% of their Google traffic in the Panda 4.0 update..
Not sure where to turn for content such as blog articles or web copy?
Our website ranks #1 out of 2.2 BILLION pages for the phrase “Legal Content.” Obviously we understand how to generate great results. Our pricing is reasonable considering we offer the highest quality legal content available.
For questions or comments, call 1-800-877-2776 for your free consultation with an expert, not a sales rep.