Isn’t it about time that you update the picture on your attorney bio page of your law firm’s website? If the last time you had your picture taken was before you had ever heard of “Wikileaks”, then the answer is “YES!” Just like the content on your firm’s website, your attorney bio information and photograph should be updated regularly. Below, we have listed the best ways to go about making sure your business portrait is as professional as you are.
Finding a photographer: There is a lot to be said about searching for the right person to take your executive portrait for your bio page, but let’s focus on the most high-level critical concerns:
- Use recommendations. Ask around. Any coworker, fellow attorney, or businessperson that has had to have a bio picture taken, can be helpful in steering you toward – or even away – certain photographers.
- Quality is more important than cost. Find a few studios or photographers whose work you enjoy, and then decide which one to hire based on price – NOT the other way around.
- Pricing. Make sure you are well aware of everything that will be included in your cost. Things like additional poses or prints, retouching or editing, session or sitting fees, unlimited rights or licensing, or additional time taken (whether for the actual photo shoot or for the turnaround time) can all be reasons your final total is getting higher and higher.
Determine the mood: Before you should even begin with other details, you need to know what the tone will be of your executive portrait. Do you want to come across as serious, stern, hard-hitting? Or are you more comfortable portraying yourself as relaxed, approachable, and smiling? Whichever mood you choose, make sure that your body language in your poses reflects your choice.
For the latter option, try smiling with your eyes more than your mouth – it might feel awkward, but it will look genuine. People are drawn to eyes that show positive emotions, especially in comparison to the alternative: someone forcing a noticeably uncomfortable smile through their mouth. For the former, try keeping your mouth closed when (or if) you smile – it comes across as intimidating. Crossing your arms can seem like a good option when “intimidating” is the feel that you’re going for, however, you may run the risk of looking too closed-off to your potential clients as well, so use your own judgment.
Setting(s): Once you have chosen the tone you would like to portray, your setting should be a fairly easy choice to make. For the serious look, any executive setting will work well, as it shows power and authority – a courtroom, a conference room, or your own office. For the more relaxed and approachable mood, try going outside – just make sure the weather and time of day work out, as well, since either cloudy or dusk are usually ideal for lighting.
Clothing and accessories: Keeping in mind that everyone has their own styles and preferences, there are a few general rules to follow for your attire.
- No patterns. Stick with solid colors. Wear a color that isn’t going to match either you (no skin tones) or your background (if in a park, stay away from greens; in a white conference room, avoid white shirts).
- Wear long sleeves, even if it’s only a headshot.
- Jewelry should be kept to a minimum – think small.
- If you wear both glasses and contacts, wear your contacts for the day of the shoot, as it’s easier to photograph without adjusting for reflections.
Keeping your website up-to-date includes your attorney bio page and picture, so don’t neglect it! If you have any other questions about how to improve your law firm’s website, or have questions on how to develop your blog further, call us today to speak with a legal content writing expert – not a salesperson! We can review your blog for free and offer helpful advice that will translate into new clients for you. Call us today at (800) 877-2776!