How to Generate More Legal Clients With a Law Firm Blog

The whole point of a law firm blog is to generate more legal clients. The modern age has drastically changed and revolutionized the way business is done. To keep pace with those ever-changing times, businesses must also be innovative with the way they attract new customers.

Blogging has quickly become one of the norms when it comes to acquiring new leads. Here are some helpful ways to generate more leads in the modern age with your business blog.

Offer free downloadable content

The creation of free downloadable content gets people familiar with a business. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t want free stuff? These kinds of free downloads come in the form of templates, ebooks, whitepapers and other kinds of digital freebies. Businesses can not only use their blog to promote this free content, but they can use their social media networks as well.

This might seem to be just an advertising ploy, but there is more. In order to receive these free downloads, people must provide some information of their own. That means providing their name, email address and other information regarding their business. Essentially, a business gives away free downloadable content in exchange for a lead. However, the free content should not be just any old freebie. It shouldbe something directed to your target customers. It is not just a donation but something that will aim to pique people’s interest and make them want to learn more about your business.

Our company can create everything you need for your downloadable report or ebook – content, 3-D ebook cover art and website artwork. A 5-page report with 5 pages of content, 3-D ebook cover art and website artwork is only $250. Here is an example of our complete downloadable report offering –

Connect in real time

There is no time like the present. When someone is browsing your blog, they might come across something that catches their eye. At that moment, they become a perspective client. Don’t settle for a measly ‘Contact Us’ icon that allows them to send a simple e-mail. You want to engage them while their interest is high. You can do that by adding a chat feature, which allows people to talk to a real person via the Internet.

Services are available by a host of companies that offer chat functionality like BoldChat or WebGreeter. People could be browsing your blog right now and they could very well be leads. With a chat function, you can connect with those leads instead of letting time step in between you and new business.

Business blogging basics

Content remains the best way to reach people and your business blog is a great way to show off your expertise. Business bloggers must be sure to follow the basics. Regular writing creates a freshness and improves the overall traffic of a blog. Keywords, tagging and SEO must all be done correctly in order to reach your target audience. Linking is also a key component. Keep in mind that linking to other blogs is a better alternative than linking to websites. Blogs are always being updated whereas websites have a tendency to remain the same.

Avoid problem areas

Generating business leads does not just include knowing what to say, it also includes knowing what not to say. Here are some things to avoid when putting together your business blog:

  • Poor blog titles – A title is a way to showcase a clear keyword goal and poor titles will generate much less traffic.
  • Content saturation – Don’t try and use the same keywords or same approach thousands of other competitors in the same field are also trying to utilize.
  • Lack of personalization or case studies – Business who have helped clients should say so in their blogs. Never forget to add a personal touch as it helps when trying to make a connection.
  • Inability to share – Good blogs should be able to be shared via social media. Without offering sharing options in your blog posts, your good content could get lost in the mix.

Questions or Comments, please call 1 (800) 877-2776 for a free content consultation with a real expert, not a sale representative.

How to Generate More Legal Clients With a Law Firm Blog
How to Generate More Legal Clients With a Law Firm Blog
Our legal blog writers provide valuable tips on how to generate more legal clients with a law firm blog.