Over the past few years, many legal content writing services have surfaced on the Internet offering content writing services for lawyers. The pricing for legal content varies wildly from as low as $3 per article to over $300 per article.
So how much should you be paying for writing services for your attorney website or blog?
First, it is important that you find a reputable lawyer writing service. There are many schemes, scam and cases of fraud. We have heard the horrific tales of attorneys being victimized by content scams. It is really embarrassing when you get a call from another attorney in your state telling you to stop stealing content from their website.
Never before has the saying, “You get what you pay for” really been more true.
Industry experts are predicting that websites caught pirating content from other websites will see as much as a 30% drop in traffic from Google’s new algorithmic changes.
How to avoid content fraud
Our company recommends CopyScape.com. By protecting your website with a CopyScape subscription, you can avoid paying for content that is heisted from another law firm website. CopyScape will also run searches to detect content piracy from your website as well. We use CopyScape to ensure each piece of content we deliver to our clients is 100% unique.
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